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Exposing False Accusations of Abuse: Sara Talia’s Lies

Untying a web of lies and defending truth against baseless claims of domestic violence


False accusations of abuse can shatter lives, leaving deep scars on families and individuals. In Sara Talia’s case, her lies about me abusing her have had a profound and far-reaching impact.

It’s been nearly two months since my last post in this series exposing Sara’s deceptions. The delay stems from the emotional toll of revisiting painful memories and sifting through countless messages. As someone who’s always shied away from negativity due to its soul-eroding nature, slowly chipping away at one’s peace and well-being, this process has been particularly draining. I find myself between my aversion to dwelling on past hurts and the pressing need to set the record straight for my children’s sake.

Some individuals will go to extraordinary lengths to conceal their misdeeds. Sara Talia exemplifies this, constructing an intricate web of lies to hide her actions rather than admitting to them. She’s chosen this path, seemingly confident that her deceptions will hold. This confidence likely stems from my prolonged silence, as she remains unaware of the meticulous records I’ve kept and my unwavering plan to secure justice.

While I could tolerate her lies to others – friends, professionals, even our children’s school – lying to our children crosses a line I cannot ignore. When I initially agreed to forgive her, it was with the understanding that our children would be spared from her falsehoods and her abusive partner, whom the kids did not want near them. However, events took an unexpected turn, leading to the current situation.

Sara’s most egregious lie involves false accusations of abuse that I have inflicted on her. She’s spread this untruth not only to our children but also to their school, attempting to tarnish my character and potentially damage my relationship with my kids. These baseless claims of abuse are utterly false and deeply hurtful.

In the following sections, I’ll examine Sara’s web of deceit, exposing the truth behind her actions. I’ll analyse how her words contradict her accusations, revealing the extent of her manipulations. Importantly, I’ll address her claim that her actions haven’t traumatised our children – a statement that demands closer scrutiny.

This account of Sara’s lies about me abusing her is not one I present lightly. It’s a necessary step towards justice and protecting my children’s well-being. As I present evidence countering her claims, the true nature of Sara’s actions will become apparent, leaving readers to judge for themselves the impact of her choices.

WhatsApp message from son about mother's claims of abuse.
This WhatsApp message from my son reveals Sara Talia’s attempts to manipulate our children’s perception, falsely claiming I had abused her.

The Origins of a Deception: A Son’s Revealing Message

False accusations of abuse often begin with subtle manipulations, gradually escalating into more severe claims. Sara Talia’s deception follows this troubling pattern, as evidenced by revealing messages from my son.

Despite being a medical doctor who has taken the Hippocratic oath, Sara has consistently attempted to paint me in a negative light to our children over the past three years. The messages above illustrate her efforts to manipulate their perception of me. This is absurd, and it’s its absurdity that makes it familiar.

In the first message, my son relays Sara’s claim that I’m “in a bad place”. This statement, coming from a medical professional, carries an implication of mental instability. It’s calculated to undermine my credibility in our children’s eyes.

More alarmingly, Sara introduces false narratives about physical abuse. She denies that her partner, Mohcine, had beaten his ex-partner, Amanda, despite compelling evidence to the contrary. This denial serves a dual purpose: it protects Mohcine while setting the stage for false accusations against me.

WhatsApp message detailing false accusations of abuse and emotional manipulation.
This follow-up message from my son exposes Sara Talia’s continued false accusations of abuse and her attempts to emotionally manipulate our children.

The second message (which you can see above) reveals Sara’s escalation of these false narratives. She accuses me of “emotional blackmail”, a baseless claim aimed at portraying my efforts to maintain a relationship with my children as manipulative. She then makes the shocking accusation that I had “shoved her into a wall when Isak was little”.

This false accusation of physical abuse is particularly egregious. It’s a complete fabrication, seemingly concocted to justify Mohcine’s violent behaviour towards Amanda. By claiming I had been abusive, Sara attempts to normalise such behaviour and deflect attention from Mohcine’s actions.

These messages expose the origins of Sara’s campaign of false accusations of abuse. They reveal a calculated effort to manipulate our children’s perceptions, protect her new partner, and justify her own actions in breaking our agreement to keep Mohcine away from the children.

The pain of seeing these lies conveyed through my own child was almost unbearable. This message finally pushed me to confront Sara about her deceptions, a confrontation we’ll explore in detail in the following section.

A Foundation of Integrity

Sara Talia’s baseless claims of abuse attempt to undermine the very essence of my character. This character, carefully constructed over the years, stems from early influences and personal commitments.

From ages 2 to 10, I lived in Ghana, observing my aunt and uncle’s principled lives. Their actions, not words, left an indelible mark on my young mind. Simultaneously, my parents, whom I consider exceptional human beings, exemplified values I aspired to emulate.

At the tender age of 10, I made several significant promises to myself. I vowed never to smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, date women, or lose my virginity prematurely. These weren’t rules imposed by others but personal commitments from my observations and budding understanding of the world.

My early grasp of Biblical parables provided additional guidance. However, I’ve always approached these teachings critically, like a wolf rather than a sheep – following my own lead while respecting their wisdom.

Growing up in East London presented challenges, and I’m not without fault. Yet, those guiding principles established at 10 years old remained a constant compass. I began dating at 21, breaking one of my childhood vows, but this decision came from a place of personal growth and readiness.

My character has been further shaped by my experiences at Loughborough University, where I devoted myself to helping others without expectation of return. This commitment to furthering humanity led to recognition, including a trophy for outstanding contribution—an honour bestowed upon just one individual annually in a university of 20,000 students.

Sara Talia’s false accusations of abuse strike at the heart of this carefully cultivated character. Her attempts to paint me as violent contradict everything I’ve stood for throughout my life. The idea that someone could callously try to destroy a lifetime of integrity is harrowing.

While I was initially willing to forgive Sara’s lies to others for the sake of our children, her decision to involve our kids in these falsehoods crosses a line I cannot ignore. My legacy, the values I hope to pass on to my children, is too important to let these false accusations of abuse stand unchallenged.

This foundation of integrity forms the very atoms of my being. Like a complex molecule, each experience, decision, and principle has bonded to create who I am. Sara’s accusations attempt to break these bonds, but they’re far more potent than she realises. I can’t resist an engineering metaphor, as it’s at the core of who I am: Just as you can’t easily split an atom without immense energy, you can’t readily destroy a character built on such solid foundations. I will continue to defend this integrity for myself and the truth my children deserve to know.

WhatsApp screenshot showing voice message durations from Paul and Sara Talia.
This screenshot displays the duration of voice messages exchanged between Sara Talia and me, with a red box highlighting the extensive nature of our conversation about her false accusations.

Confronting False Accusations of Abuse

The moment of confrontation arrived on 17 August 2022, when I could no longer tolerate Sara Talia’s lies. Above, you can see the duration of our voice message exchange, highlighting the extensive nature of our conversation about her false accusations.

In this 16-minute voice message, I confront Sara Talia about her false accusations of abuse, defending my character and expressing concern for our children’s well-being.

At 4:49 AM Qatar time, I sent Sara a 16-minute, 13-second voice message. In this message, which you can listen to above, I confronted her about her false accusations of abuse, defending my character and expressing deep concern for our children’s well-being. I challenged her directly, saying:

I have never touched you, never in my life have I ever touched you…. And you know that… If I have, I would put my hand up and say it. I have no problem in telling the truth, but you will not turn around and say to Mika that I have hit you and pushed you into the wall.

Sara Talia’s 7-minute reply attempts to justify her actions and deny the impact on our children. Notably, she clearly states that I have not abused her, effectively retracting her previous false accusations and revealing the truth in her own words.

Sara’s response came at 5:36 AM in a 7-minute, 7-second message (now redacted to 6 minutes, 37 seconds to protect sensitive information about a third party). In her reply, which you can hear above, Sara justifies her actions and denies the impact on our children. Crucially, she states:

First of all, I haven’t said you have hit me, so I’ll speak to Mika about how that discussion went.

This statement effectively retracts her previous false accusations to our son Mika, revealing the truth in her own words.

Sara’s quick retraction and willingness to correct her statement to Mika is telling. She clearly believed Mika would not relay her false accusations to me. When confronted, she hastily backtracked. This pattern of behaviour extends beyond our immediate family. I’ve learned from various sources that Sara has told similar lies to others, including staff at our children’s school, to explain our divorce.

Sara’s actions rely on the ‘first mover’ principle – the idea that perception becomes a reality and the first to make a claim often wins the narrative. She likely assumed I lacked the resolve to challenge her false narrative. However, she underestimated my patience and ability to gather evidence over time. While it’s true that disproving such accusations can be challenging, as any defence can be misconstrued as guilt, I’ve carefully built a case that exposes her deceptions.

WhatsApp conversation revealing Sara Talia's admission of a mistranslation of 'abuse' in divorce papers. A strongly reinforces the falsity of her previous false accusations of abuse to our son, the children's school and many others that I had abused her.
This crucial WhatsApp exchange exposes Sara Talia’s acknowledgement of a mistranslation in the divorce papers. The word ‘abuse’, highlighted in yellow and emphasised with a red box, is admitted to be misused. This admission, coupled with her later voice message denying any abuse, strongly reinforces the falsity of her previous accusations to our son, the children’s school and many others that I had abused her.

To further highlight Sara’s duplicity, consider the WhatsApp exchange shown above, which occurred when we attempted to find a way forward for the sake of our children. In this conversation, Sara mentions the word “abuse” in the divorce papers. Still, she quickly tries to justify it as a mistranslation. She states:

But in one place they have mentioned the word abuse which I think has been used incorrectly when translated.

This exchange is particularly revealing. If I had truly abused Sara, she would not need to justify or explain away the use of the word in legal documents. Her hesitation and attempt to downplay its inclusion further prove that I have never laid a hand on her.

You can view the complete divorce papers in Arabic and English translation for full transparency. These documents, which I refer to as the “sham divorce papers”, further expose the manipulative nature of Sara’s actions. Sara lied to obtain this divorce, likely claiming abuse to expedite the process. In doing so, she has unwittingly incriminated herself. Her false statements to legal authorities will be addressed and corrected in due course.

Throughout this confrontation, Sara’s contradictions and retractions paint a clear picture. Her false accusations of abuse crumble under scrutiny, revealing a pattern of lies designed to manipulate our children and others. The evidence presented here – from voice messages to text exchanges to legal documents – unequivocally demonstrates the baseless nature of her claims and vindicates my character.

Analysing Sara Talia’s Voice Message Claims

Sara Talia’s voice message response to my confrontation left me deeply disturbed. The emotional toll of hearing her words and her apparent lack of insight into the damage she’s causing made it difficult for me to continue writing this post for over a month.

However, it’s crucial to address the points she raised and expose the inconsistencies in her claims of false accusations of abuse.

Below, I’ll examine some key statements from Sara’s message and provide my perspective. These responses aim to illuminate the reality of our situation and the impact of her actions on our children.

“A very inflamed and incorrect email that Amanda has written to you.” Wow, #MeToo comes to mind. If this had been any other country, he would not have walked after being arrested. Sara Talia would have been an accomplice. The goodwill of Amanda, thinking of my kids, dropped the charges after Sara was held in a cell for more than 12 hours. Puff Daddy would be happy to have you on his defence team.

“And this is where this whole issue lies. It’s the way we talk about each other in front of the children. And to be fair, you do a lot of wrong talking to the children about me and my life. At no point have I discussed anything, any of my feelings, any of my views that may inflame or affect how they look at you, because I want them to look at you through their own eyes.” A leopard doesn’t change its stripes. I have evidence of what she has said to the kids about me, including false accusations of abuse. Much of this is evident in this post and others. I will address this in phase two under the ‘Trauma to the Kids’ series. You will see that leopards, indeed, do change their stripes.

“I do read, and I do speak to people, friends and professionals. I’m being completely honest about my relationship.” Sara Talia claims complete honesty about her relationship? I will present fact after fact in my next series, challenging this assertion. She claims to tell her friends the truth? Let’s wait and see when I expose her. She forgets another adult was in the house, and she forgets the kids speak.

“I spoke to Caro for a long time about this.” Caro, your friend, would be utterly shocked if she knew the whole truth about the damage you’ve inflicted on our children. Your selective sharing paints a false picture. The next series will show the reality Caro and others have been shielded from, exposing the extent of your deception.

“Mohcine…. He doesn’t impose himself on the children, at all” Really? So when your kids tell you they do not want him in the house, that doesn’t count? Ladies and gentlemen, please hold tight for my second post in the next series. This statement will be proven utterly redundant!

“And like I’ve said to you so many times, he may be around the house a lot, but it’s when the children are not there… And I do not bring him around when the kids are at home. At night-time, yes, because he’s sleeping, and they don’t see him anyway.” Again, when the kids visited me on Easter and the summer of 2022, their stories and the horrors of their experiences were shocking. I will deal with this in the next series; you can all decide. So, Mrs Talia, the kids never saw him? Okay then!

“But it’s all has a huge impact when the other partner is constantly telling the children that they don’t have fucked up childhood and their future relationships are going to be bad” Sara, let me be clear: I am not your partner in any form. We share children, but that’s where our connection ends. I will never co-parent with someone as self-centred and manipulative as you. I forgave you once, and you exploited that trust. Fool me twice; shame on me. Your comment about children’s “fucked up childhood” shows a startling lack of self-awareness. As for your concerns about their future relationships, I’ll address that in a detailed blog post about the impact of ‘Childhood Trauma’ on adult life. For a General Practitioner, your lack of insight is alarming. Don’t worry, though – I’ll fill in the gaps in your understanding.

“Is the guilt that they [kids] feel, that they feel like, oh gosh, what is papa gonna say now? When we will tell him that Mohcine is in the house and he’s not gonna like it, or mammy are we supposed to tell him that he’s in the house. And, I always say, do whatever you’re comfortable with. If you want to tell him that’s fine. Blame it on me. Okay, so that’s mama who wants in the house, we don’t want him here.” The lack of insight here is almost comical. This woman, who calls herself a mother, tells our children and even the nanny, “This is my life and I can do what I want.” Her disregard for our children’s feelings is staggering. She’s asking them to lie or take on guilt to cover her selfish actions. The next series will shed more light on this manipulative behaviour and its impact on our children.

“I never force them to say or do anything. I always tell them do what you’re comfortable with” I have evidence to the contrary. The kids are scared, living in fear, intimidated by a mother and domestic abuser. The next series will be eye-opening, revealing the actual impact.

A surreal image of a shattered audio waveform emerging from a smartphone, representing the breakdown and analysis of a voice message. The waveform fragments reveal contradictory text and scenes, symbolising the exposure of inconsistencies and lies.

“And Nora this morning, had absolutely no problem, there was even not giving a talk about him being in the house. Her main issue was about her being nervous about starting school, and that was the main reason to why she was upset. Nothing to do with Mohcine, but she feels that she needs to portray this unhappiness because that is what’s expected.” Your web of lies has become so tangled that you’ve lost track of your timeline. I left Qatar on August 9, 2021, with nothing but a suitcase, my tail tacked in between my legs, no kids and shattered dreams. This exchange occurred on August 17, 2022 – nearly a year later. Your reference to Nora’s feelings “this morning” exposes your deceit. You conveniently forget the countless nights our children suffered, forced to endure Mohcine’s unwelcome presence in their home. Their safe haven was invaded, and their peace was shattered. Thankfully, another adult witness can corroborate the children’s accounts, providing irrefutable evidence of your actions. The next series will lay bare these painful truths.

“I feel like I’m a 43-year-old woman who are constantly being scrutinised and judged about what, what am I killing someone I’m in a relationship, and I’m managing the situation as sensitively as I can.” You may not be physically killing anyone, but if you understood childhood trauma and its impact on kids, you’d realise you’re as good as killing their spirits. Your false accusations of abuse and subsequent actions are far from “managing the situation sensitively”.

“I’m talking to them. I’m making sure that I he is around when they are not around. I’m introducing him slowly, because they will. I need to know whether they get on.” Your self-entitlement reeks of hypocrisy, Sara. You claim to act in the family’s best interest, yet your actions scream self-interest. The double standards are glaring. The nightmares our children have shared with me about the many nights he was present expose your lack of insight. Your gradual introduction is nothing more than a facade to justify your selfish choices.

“The fact that people are spying on me and having opinion on me about my adult life is just insane. That is abnormal. How, who are they? Are they my parents?”… Who are these people on the compound that reports back to you. If I was in your situation, I would just tell them, fuck off.” It takes a village to raise a child, Sara. This age-old wisdom still holds true, especially in safeguarding our children. Those you call friends speak to you, then talk behind your back about the damage you’re inflicting on your kids. These same people advised the nanny to leave, calling yours a “bad family”. I hear these stories through various channels as your so-called friends relay your words and actions. Don’t strain yourself looking for these “spies” – they’re people with hearts who see the damage you’re blind to. In the UK, this would be a clear case of child neglect.

“I’ve spoken to my parents about this situation. Their opinion matters to me.” This is laughable. Their ‘opinion matters’ now? Let’s unpack this. Your wilfully ignorant and woefully misguided parents suddenly have valuable input? When I write, I do not try to convince people; instead, I write as if those who know Sara Talia will read and know I am speaking the truth. Since I met you around 2000, you’ve consistently badmouthed them to your Swedish friend and UK friends (notably non-white ones) up until our second child in 2014. You’ve detailed how your father damaged your brother mentally and criticised your mother’s weakness and incompetence to the point of never allowing her to care for our children. I’ve often argued against this practice of disparaging your parents. Now, conveniently, as you shirk parental responsibilities to globe-trot, you’re happy to dump our kids with them. Their capabilities haven’t magically improved – you’re just desperate for childcare. I’ll deal with your parents’ in my next series.

“This is my family [referring to me, her and the kids, and other having views on her lifestyle]. This is the mother of my children.” Did this deluded woman forget I’m the father? Or was that conveniently discarded when you orchestrated your sham divorce? You’ve rendered me less of a parent than a paedophile or murderer. The hypocrisy is truly staggering.

“…But I’m not a bad person. I don’t think you’re a bad person. We’re all doing our best in a very messed situation.” Is it a figment of my imagination that I was divorced behind my back? That my kids are prevented from speaking with me? That tales of my alleged abuse circulate in Qatar and among your friends and strangers? Sara Talia is right when she tells our son I’m ‘Mad’! She’s not a bad person? Well, reality must have taken a holiday. Your actions speak louder than your words, Sara, and they paint a damning picture.

“Don’t come and put, point fingers at me that I’m scarring or damaging my children deliberately because I’m being selfish, because that’s not the truth.” Okay, Sara Talia, if that’s not true, we’ll see what the next series brings us. The evidence of your false accusations of abuse and their impact on our children will speak for itself.

In light of Sara’s claims and my need to address them comprehensively, I’ve adjusted my approach to exposing the truth. Initially, I planned to move directly from addressing her lies (Phase One) to seeking justice (Phase Two). However, I now see the need for an additional phase focusing specifically on childhood trauma.

This new Phase Two will catalogue the points Sara has raised and look into the damage she seems unable or unwilling to acknowledge. It’s the source of my deepest anger – not her personal choices, but the harm inflicted on our children due to her poor decisions and selfish nature.

As I progress through this new Phase Two, I may concurrently address elements of my original second phase. This approach will allow for a more comprehensive examination of the situation and its impact on our children, fully exposing the consequences of Sara’s actions.

Reinforcing Truth Against False Accusations of Abuse

This post has methodically dismantled Sara Talia’s false accusations of abuse. Through carefully examining messages, voice recordings, and legal documents, I’ve exposed the inconsistencies in her claims and manipulative tactics.

The evidence presented is unequivocal. From Sara’s contradictory statements to the revealing messages from our children, it’s clear that her accusations are baseless. Her attempt to use the word “abuse” in divorce papers, only to hastily backtrack when confronted, further undermines her credibility.

Most telling is Sara’s swift retraction when directly challenged about her claims. A genuine victim of abuse would not so readily dismiss such serious allegations. Her willingness to “correct” her statement to our son Mika speaks volumes about the falsity of her accusations.

This presentation of facts serves a dual purpose: it vindicates my character and exposes the harmful nature of false accusations. Such lies not only damage reputations but also inflict deep emotional wounds on innocent children caught in the crossfire.

The next phase will deal with the impact of Sara’s actions on the kid’s lives, addressing the trauma they’ve endured due to her choices.

The truth stands clear: I have never abused Sara Talia. Her accusations crumble under scrutiny, revealing a pattern of deception.



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